Thursday, November 4, 2010

Interview competition 1

Please read all posted interviews. If one is missing, fill out a form with the name and zeros. You will receive evaluation forms today and you are expected to fill out one set of parameters for each class mate.
The parameters are here for reference:
en191s18f10 Name:________________________________________________________
How is the preparation documented?    0..1..2..3
How good are the personal considerations regarding the interview process? 0..1..2
How comprehensive and informative is the country report?  0..1..2..3..4
How does the interview read? Interesting, good questions/answers?  0..1..2..3..4..5
How well is the complete interview presented on the blog? Clarity, errors, visual appearance all count. 0..1..2..3..4..5..6

Score card - fill in the results of all students and make a spreadsheet in your google account. Post (share) the document and link a new Post on your blog to the spreadsheet.

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